1 . TIMELY REGISTRATION (Within 1-30 days after birth)
1. Duly accomplished Certificate of Live Birth MF-102, in 4 copies 2. Duly accomplished Muslim/IP Attachment -MF-102 for Muslim/Indigenous Peoples, in 3 copies 3. If legitimate child, marriage contract of parents 4. If illegitimate child, Duly accomplished Affidavit of Acknowledgement/Paternity executed by the father and mother (personal appearance)at the back of the COLB, for illegitimate child and Affidavit to use the Surname of the Father (AUSF)
1 . Submit duly accomplished COLB or submit for interview as to the facts and circumstances of birth and comply with all requirements.
2 . Wait for the approval and release of duly registered COLB if timely registered.
3 . In case of delayed registration, hand carry the referral letter prepared by CCR to the City Prosecutor for appropriate action, get it back and submit it to CCR.