About eCitizen PH

Making the Public Safer and Closer to You

The All-in-One Citizens Mobile App

eCitizen.ph App is a mobile application that enables the public to report emergencies, gain access to basic government services, call emergency hotlines, read public announcements and more at their fingertips.

Where people protect each other.

Connect and live more safely. eCitizen App has an emergency reporting feature that empowers you to proctect yourself and the people and places you care about. Download for access to emergency hotlines and SMS emergency reporting to get instant help from crisis and emergency

Your City is Safer with eCitizen App

Get emergency report when they matter to you - in real time

Citizen alerts go out within seconds when citizens report. If there's an incident, like robbery nearby, you'll know to avoid that area

Always know why the ambulance is approaching fast ahead

If there's commotion like police activity, ambulance up ahead, or road closures, pull up the app and know why instantly

For the greater good

We believe in public information for the good of the public

At eCitizen PH, we believe that stronger communities are safer communities. We live in a world where people can access information quickly, share effortlessly, and connect easily - but we have yet to see the power of bringing people together to watch out for each other. At eCitizen PH, we're developing cutting edge technologyy so you can take care of the people and places you love.

Thank you

We look forward to have you onboard.

You can reach us any of the following:

Phone No: 0945 412 3035

Email: info@ecitizenph.com, ecitizenph@gmail.com